The distinguish between deduction, induction reasoning and generalization in educational research.
Deduction reasoning this is a thinking process in which one proceeds from general to specific statements using prescribed rules of logic. It is a system of organizing known facts in order to reach conclusion. An argument consists of premises which comprises supporting evidences and the final statements is a conclusion, one is a major kind of deductive reasoning is a syllogism. A syllogism consists of a major premise and a minor premise followed by a conclusion.
for example
all rungwe boys high school students are boys (major premise)
Mchuchuri is a student of Rungwe boys high school (minor premise)
therefore, Mchuchuri is a boy (conclusion)
Deduction reasoning is considered by many to be the standard for scientific research. Using this method, one begins with theory and hypotheses, then conducts research in order to test whether the theories and hypotheses can be proven true with specific cases.
As such, this form of research begins at a general, abstract level, and then works its way down to a more specific and concrete level. With this form of reasoning, if something is found to be true for a category of things, then it is considered true for all things in that category in general.
Deduction involve reasoning from a promise to a logical conclusion or from a general principle to specific observed facts when researchers derive hypothesis from a theory or predict how subjects will respond in a particular test situation on the basis of theory, they are using deductive reasoning. . (Arlene C. Vadum & Neil Rankin 1998:289) This is differ from inductive reasoning and generalization reasoning.
Induction reasoning begins with specific observations or real examples in the world and progresses analytically to broader generalizations and theories based on those observed cases. This is sometimes called a “bottom up” approach because it starts with specific cases on the ground and works its way up to the abstract level of theory.
With this method, once a researcher has identified patterns and trends amongst a set of data, he or she can then formulate some hypotheses to explore, and finally develop some general conclusions or theories. (
Induction reasoning is commonly used in scientific research, it is not always logically valid because it is not always accurate to assume that a general principle is correct based on a limited number of cases. Some critics have suggested that Durkheim's theory is not universally true because the trends he observed could possibly be explained by other phenomena particular to the region from which his data came.
Induction involves reasoning from particular facts or individual cases to general conclusion. Developing an explanation to account for observed finding an a study involve induction. (Arlene C. Vadum & Neil Rankin 1998:289) Also it differs from deduction reasoning and generalization reasoning.
Generalization this is differ from deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning since it include all method that the reasoning can be from specific to general or from general to specific or both.
Conclusively, inductive reasoning is more open-ended and exploratory, especially during the early stages. Deductive reasoning is more narrow and is generally used to test or confirm hypotheses. Most social research, however, involves both inductive and deductive reasoning throughout the research process. The scientific norm of logical reasoning provides a two-way bridge between theory and research. In practice, this typically involves alternating between deduction and induction.
The distinguish between deduction, induction reasoning and generalization in educational research.
Reviewed by Unknown
March 27, 2017

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