what is a demography?
Etymological demography is combination of two Greek words, Demos “meaning people and graphs meaning science. Thus demography is the science of people. In the 18th c the word demography was first used by a French winter Achille Guillard. Population studies defined as the scientific study of human population. Major areas studies include broad population dynamics, fertility and family dynamics, health aging and mortality and human capital and labor markets (Sharma, 2007:170)
According to Helen (1995:1), Demography is the name given to the scientific study of human population. Demographers also study the characteristics of human population especially the way people are distributed in terms of different ages and the proportions who are male and female.
According to Oxford (2014:11) Demographer deal with collection, presentation and analysis of data relating to the basic life – cycle events and experience of people: birth, marriage, divorce, household and family formation, migration employment, aging and death.
According to Msabila (2003:2) demography is the scientific study of human population. It covers its growth, density, distribution and movement as well as the aspects of economic and social development.
In general, Demography is the scientific study of human population and its characteristics
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posted by ibrahim ramadhan mchuchuri
what is a demography?
Reviewed by Unknown
March 29, 2017

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