Qualities, Weakness and Strength of education in Tanzania during colonialist
Qualities of
- Discipline in government school was strict and accompanied by several punishment for example stroke
- Children of the administrates and settles received their education in the metropolitan
- The education was more important for catechists in order to be useful and handling the big number of converters, hostile native and to run bush schools
- education refracted the government policy because missionaries were part of forming the administrative structure
Weakness of
the education
- The education system based on religious different, for instance missionaries based much on what on teaching the word of god
- Exploitation, the education system was based on exploitative in natural this means the African used as a source of income for instance they were taught in few hours mostly they used in productive work.
- Racial discrimination, colonialist took advantage of little technology and economic level they had to suppress Africans, for example the educated their children different from Africans children so as to create social classes and segregation
Strength education
- Missionaries education was manual work ant training for practical job, in pupils engage in productive and construction activities for example at holy ghost father in Bagamoyo pupils spent 5:30 hours in class, 6 hours in practical worker which was agricultural and craftsman ship.
- Colonialist provided social service like health service through building hospital and education service that led to create Africans elite.
- They interested to create political gap, before colonialism African society had their own political leadership that was traditional leaders such as chiefdom but the colonialist wreaked this system so that could dominate Africans
Qualities, Weakness and Strength of education in Tanzania during colonialist
Reviewed by Unknown
April 30, 2017
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