According to Kelvin L.S (2000:20) defined adolescence as thye stage of a fact transition from childhood to adulthood.

Is the stage of development from above ages twelve to twenty that leads from child hood to adulthood.

The onset of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood very from country to country but we can generally place adolescents to be person within the ages of eight and eighteen (18) years old.

NB: Those in adolescence period are reffeerd to as adolescents or teenagers or simply as teens.
Before we deliver into a problem let us take some time to note the causes of adolescence and includes the followings;
Physical development
Cognitive development
Psycho-social development

This issue bring about changes in youths such as spending more time with their friends than their family keeping a diary, looking ttheir rooms become  involve in multible hobies (Berger 1999:9).

According to Mwale (2008:229) the following are the problems associated with adolescence stage.
Behavior problem, Adolescence is a time for developing independence, typically adolescence exercise their independence by questioning their parents rules which at time lead to rule breaking. It is common for once loyal children to begin to grumble when asked to carry out some chores at home and respond in harsh words when been rebuked by their parent.

However during adolescence the frequency and severity of violent, interaction increase. Although the episode of violence at school are high publicized. Adolescents are much more likely to be involve with violence at home and even at school.

Sexual transmitted diseases. Example syphills, gonerrhea, adolescents due to the development of secondary sexual characteristics following adolescence. Teens feel a great push to explore and experiment their bodies. Also the problem of diseases is because most of adolescents are not fully informal about sexual transmitted diseases.

Drug and subsistence abuse, substance use among the teens occur on spectrum from the experimentation to dependence experimentation with alcohol and drugs during adolescence is common unfortunately teenagers often don’t see the link between their actions to day and the consequences tomorrow. This is one of the risking taken behavior among the adolescents Drugs are capable of providing pleasure by giving relaxation and prolonged heightened.

Unwanted pregnancy. This is a much problem for the female adolescent generally the girl stand a great risk of this due to the development  of secondary sexual characteristics explore and experiment with their bodies and the peer pleasure Gad many into the sex, so this Gad to unwanted pregnancy to girls.
Bullying, this is a huge problem that exists among the adolescents through it is often neglected in this part of the others through verbal harassment, physically assault, or other non suble methods of coercion such as manipulation. Bullying in school/work place is also referred to as peers abuse. It is a problem which affects million of students to all race and classes. Bullying as everyone worried not just kids on its receiving end. Yet because parents, teachers and other adults do not always see it, they may not understand how a extreme bullying can yet.

Studies show that people who abuse by their peers are at risk for mental health problems such as low self esteem stress depression or anxiety.

Juvenile delinquency. Predisposition to and indulgency in criminal or unlawful activities by children under the age of 18, According to the USA Brenu of the Census (1992) when just serious crimes are considered 28% of these were committed by person under age 18, this includes;-
14% of all murders
15% of rape cases
24% of all robberies
43% of car theft

School problem. The school include a large of adolescents, differenties in almost any of life often manight as school problems. School problems during the adolescent years may be result of rebellion and need for independence, less commonly, they may be caused by mental disorders such as exiely or depression. Example between 1% and 5% of adolescent develop fear of going to school, this fear may be generalized or may related to a particular person Cateacher or another student).

Stress and depression, these are serious problem to many teens, A 1986 study in high schools in Minnesota in USA should that although 61% of the student are not ways. 39% suffer from mild to save depression, these young people often rely on passive or negative behaviors in their attempts to deal with problems (Garfunkel, et al, 1986). Stress is characterized by feeling of tension, frustration, worry, sadness and with draw that commonly last from a few hours to a few days.

Depression is characterized by more extreme feelings of hope lessens, sadness, isolation, worry, withdraw, worthlessness, that last for two weeks or more.

Young people become stressed for many reason the common of these are Breaking up with boys/girl friend, trouble with brother or sister and classment, change in parent financial status, serious illness or injury of family member in addition children from the single parent or broken homes are subjected to a near harrowing experience which brings about stree and depression.

In order to solve the problems associated with adolescence the following ways should be applied.

Giving boys and girls real thing to do, that is useful things to make for the school such as organization of school club and societies, Guide their interest in politics by insisting on informed discussion, spread responsibility as widely as possible, this establishes self respect by enabling young people to believe that they are strusted and the last way is to develop relationship of friendliness and cooperation with adolescence rather than altitude of authority and domination. Hall (1904:62).

Hall, J.S (1904). Adolescence, USA Prentice Hall.
Kelvin L.S (2000). Child and Adolescence development 4th USA Houghton: Mifflin
Mwale M. (2008) Adolescence risk Perception Cognition and Self Assessment to the Relation HIV/AIDS Pandemic Malawi.
Berger, K.  (1999) The Developing person Through Childhood and Adolescence; New York Worth Publishers.


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