Structure of education in Tanzania.

Kamugisha, (2016:85). Education structure look at the permeability  and impermeability of education system in a country, that is flexibility of education in allowing students to access further education.

Education structure also focuses on a number years spent in schools at each level as well as what is considered to be basic education.

Education in Tanzania is provided both by the public sector and private section. The general education structure in Tanzania is as follows_ hypothetical representation by numbers of 2-7-4-2-3+ years.

v  2 years of pre-primary education for ages 5-6 (year 1-2)
v  7 years of primary education for ages (7-13, standard I-VII)
v  4 years of secondary ordinary level education for ages 14-17 (from1-4)
v  2 years of secondary advanced level education for ages 18-19 (form 5-6), 3 or more years of university education on level.

Pre- Primary, this is the first year of schooling, Tanzania pre-primary education theoretical serves children from aged five attend pri-primary school. It is intended to promote the overall personally development of the child, his or her physical mental, moral and social characteristics and capabilities for pre-primary but also English in private school. but Kiswahili is official language.

Primary education, this level taken 7 years of schooling where before reaching secondary the children/ students should have to pass standard VII national examination, and they were awarded primary education school certificate under primary school leaving examination (P.S.L.E).

In Tanzania, primary education is compulsory for all children of seven (7) years of age strengthening of higher level of education by laying a strong foundation in scientific and technological literacy and capacity. The language media of teaching in all public primary school is Kiswahili except the subject of English.
            Secondary education. Formally it has two circles, such as;-
the first cycle is of four-years ordinary level (O-level) secondary education. This last for four years from form I-IV. English is official language for teaching and learning media except Kiswahili subject. This cycle follows both a core or common national curriculum and specialized optional subjects at the end of which students sit for national examinational supervised by the national examination council of Tanzania is about division I-IV but division I-III are allowed to join the pass marks of advanced level and for those acquire division IV are enrolled to join colleges for certificates education.

The second cycle is of two years programmed of advanced level (A-level) secondary education. This last for two years of schooling. The cycle follow a national is division between science, business and arts streams (combinations) the level prepare students for tertiary and higher education as well as entry into the world of work. The schools can be boarding or day, single sex(boy or girl only). And or mixture of both sex (boys and girls).
Both public and private secondary schools formally follows these cycles of IV years then II years  of secondary education.

Leaving certificate for both public and private schools is provided to the graduates of the concern level completed without consideration of pass mark and grade.
Secondary) but some might develop towards certificate educational at some collages for instance for those becoming primary schools teachers. Examples of the colleges in Tanzania are like Tarime, Butimba, Bunda and Bustani.

University educations level this level last for minimum of three (3) years. though in some cases, some students continue to study for about more than three(3) years for example for those studying school of law, engineering, medical doctors.etc The education is provided for those which completed and passed advanced secondary(senior secondary level) Not all students from advanced secondary education level from diploma education.

Therefore, both from advanced secondary education level and diploma education with the approval qualification are allowed to join at university level of education. The qualification described in their certification of Advanced secondary education or Diploma education The pass grade is 1-3 for the advanced learners or 5-1.7 G.P.A in case of new program. And from 2r+ G.P.A for diploma education graduate

The official language media for Teaching and learning is English while Kiswahili remain as a subject. The example of universities in Tz are like ST. Augustine universities of Tanzania ,Universities of Dar es salaam(UDSM) ,Sokoine university of Agriculture(SUA) and University of Dodoma (UDOM)

All Tanzania universities are vocational science and technology supervised by ministry of education and training for universities (Tanzania commission for universities)

up to this level the Tz education structured of 2-7-4-2-3 is completed but students are free to continues until higher education learning depending on their economic and interest aspects access to education refers to the opportunities available to the target  population to participate in that education

Chapman D, and Adam D. (2002). The quality of Education: Dimensions and strategies;                                     Mamla. Asian development Bank.
Fellen, P. Kalish A, Pingree A, and Plank K. (2007. Toward a scholarship of teaching and                                  learning in educational development. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass LTD.

Kamugisha K.D (2017). Education in Tanzania: History and developments. Mwanza,                              Tanzania: Mahelo book centre.

Structure of education in Tanzania. Structure of education in Tanzania. Reviewed by Unknown on May 07, 2017 Rating: 5

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